Friday, April 3, 2009

Count down.

No real reason behind this post. I'm just bored of facebook games.

1- Is the number of pictures I've edited using photoshop. [Hey! Don't judge me,I'm new to this]

2- Is the number of siblings that i have.

3- Is the number of movies that I've seen since 10 a.m. [I didn't have a class today,theres not much to do at home. *sighs* ]

4- Is the number of books that I've read in the past week. *Pats back*

5- Is the number of pets i want. [Dogs actually.. woof woof!]

6- Is the number of times that my mom has shouted at me since morning, asking me to study. [Haha, I'm stubborn]

7- Is the grade i miss the most. *Sighs again*

8- Is the number of countries i wish to visit before I'm 25.

9- Is the number of songs in my current play list.. :)

10- Is the number of days,after which I'm meeting my best friends.

Phew! This is NOT as easy at it looks.


Devil's Advocate said...

11-is the number of times this is more difficult than it looks. :)

Snobster said...

Yes yes,don't study :P LIAR.

Yes,don't have any work,don't meet so called "Friends"

Yes,yes.I completely agree.